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The Robomat company cluster

Our team is united by great enthusiasm for solving innovative tasks. The main focus is image recognition, user-friendly software, optics and mechanical construction of optical applications.

We are big enough to solve your specific tasks, jet small enough to take care of you individually.

Our team hase been working together since 1999, some of them are also active in other companies in addition to their work for Robomat and and add their know-how for our prjects.

Dieter Ainedter likes to put his hands on his newly desigened Prototypes

Director | Dieter | Innovation is his strong point | Construction | Marketing

Robert commissioning our machine vision system Inbetriebnahme seiner Bilderkennug

Software engineer | Image inspection | Robert "speaks" C++ | his code is always is bug free

During remote training of client

Stefan | Allrounder | Experte for Optics | Image inspection | Electronics | Technical support

Fitting our system

Georg | Prototype development | NC-machining | assembly and field installation

external developers

10 years of successful cooperation with external developers are the basis for the realisation of large projects (see below "history")

Robomat history

Robomat is an engineering think tank that has its roots in the 1980s

PC software before the PC was invented

We built a computer from the first graphics-capable computer boards and developed a CAD program for precast concrete plants on that hardware

CAD-Programm FertigDEC.jpg

When the first PC hit the market ...

. . . we were the first to offer a lean CAD software for precast plants executable on a PC.

- That brought us to market leadership


Industry 4.0 in the 90s

The development of a master computer and the use of a data connection to the machines made it possible to automatically manufacture prefabricated parts for individually planned houses: series size 1

Leitrechner 1990.jpg

Formwork robot CAD controlled

Outlines of the prefabricated parts drawn in CAD control a robot. Depending on the individual floor plan it positions side formworks and fixes them with magnets,


Time recording computer for Philips

In order be more independent from the the construction industry we development of a microprocessor-controlled flextime recording device. The entire project was sold.

click in the video for sound

1996 World's first wall building robot

. . . that builts entire brick walls at the factory. The CAD program calculates the position of each individual brick.

Mauer Roboter oben.jpg

Mortar is applied and bricks are placed

Ziegel Bilderkennung.jpg

For the first time we are using image recognition for quality control. Broken bricks are detected and eliminated

Wall robot   click in the video for sound
click in the video for sound

2009 Image recognition for robot control

We solve a first demanding image recognition task: parts scattered on a conveyor belt are scanned with image recognition and parts are selected for piccing. Only these parts are chosen which are positioned in such a way that they can be picked up without the gripper colliding with the

ViRob Band_und_Greifer.png

neighboring parts (green gripper outline). Parts are picked up synchroniced from the belt and placed in the final position in a workpiece carrier.

Flexible PIC&PLACE feeding robot

The trajectory from the current gripping position is calculated  in real time for each part. A highly flexible robot is controlled with the data.


The advantage of this powerful robot application is, that 6 pieces of differently shaped parts can be fed in by just one gripper AND if the shape of the parts changes, only the image recognition data have to be adapted for a new job.



First textile customer.

Inline control

A further application of image recognition for quality control and automatic error logging.

Inline control membrane.jpg


Development of first Roboscope

The impetus for this was a tender from BMW for a portable device to test CF fabrics during production.

Roboskop gelbes Display Ohne Hintergrund
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